Wednesday, May 1, 2013


This super bowl commercial was witty, scandalous and funny.  The Chocolate M&M speaks about her interaction with the Prime Minister and how she was only there to talk to about business. Men are snickering in the background they think her milk chocolate is showing.  The red M&M walks and strips naked thinking that she too is “naked”.  This is a great advertisement. I believe this was the kick off for the all brown chocolate M&M. It takes a fact you already knew, and plays around with it. We all grew up on M&M’s and they have always been color coated. I can appreciate how the creative team formed this idea and launched a new piece of candy to the general public. Plus doing it in a humorous way is smart. Who doesn’t like to laugh? Overall the commercial is effective. I don’t’ think that it is selling the product but educating us about it. I don’t get that “go buy it now” feel. Just a “oh, didn’t know that have that, but now I know” feel.  According to University of Massachusetts Amherst Professor of Communication Sut Jhally, “In the image-system as a whole, happiness lies at the end of a purchase.” While the advertisement does not directly say consumers will have “the good life” by eating M&M’s, it is implied that M&M’s are necessary for this to happen because the M&M’s are the elements that bring these factors into the room.

> Who? M&M’s
> What? Chocolate coated M&M
> Where? A Party
> When? Week Night
> Why? For drinks or an outing
> How? Removing of chocolate coating

M&M have this magical way of re-birthing themselves. The most memorable M&M commercial I can remember as a child was the Christmas edition with Santa. Santa passes out at his surprise of seeing that M&M’s really do exist, while one of the M&M’s simultaneously passes out at the fact Santa does exist. Very funny. 


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