Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Big Idea

Dior: Addict "Get Caught Up" is going to a powerful and sexy ad campaign. It will be geared towards women ages 17-35. I want to ensure that the customers are not only satisfied but want to have them coming back for more of the product because “An effective ad is driven by the underlying concept. An advertising idea— or concept—is the creative reasoning behind a solution. The concept determines the resulting message: what you say and how you design. Though your concept or idea may be broad, it is foundational." (Landa, 68) I want my customers to feel as thought they make the product. Maybe as though I created this perfume campaign just for them.

The big idea is "An ad idea is visually and verbally expressed through the creation, selection, combination, manipulation, and arrangement of visual and verbal elements and the written copy. A big idea is a solid, creative, on-brand idea that is large enough and flexible enough to be used effectively across media for a period of time." (Landa, 68) This ad will be timeless, just as perfume is timeless. Since the beginning of time fragrances have been worn by women. Even back in the 40's when they didn't have perfume but soap instead. People just want to smell good. 

I wanted to create a concept that was refreshing; a product a customer would lust for. It's important that I take well thought out steps to “Finding a relevant insight into how people think, what they need or desire, and how they act, termed a consumer insight, is paramount for idea generation." (Landa, 68) Products need to touch it's consumers, evoke a type of emotion because"...combining consumer and brand insight, one can attain an advertising “sweet spot”—the most effective place to hit the audience with your marketing messages." (Landa, 68) I've developed a campaign that should accomplish just that. The emotions I hope to evoke are powerful, passionate and impulsive. I hope that "though your (my) concept or idea may be broad, it is foundational."

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