Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Dior has a fragrance line. One of their fragrances is called “Addict”. I’ve attached two of the ads for his product. I’d like to launch a new campaign for “Addict”. Instead of the slogan “Admit it” or “Be Iconic” it would be “Get Caught Up”. It's short, simple, and the point. Here is the logic behind the slogan. Women are ADDICTED to good smelling perfumes. Every woman has a favorite. Just like, every woman has a STORY. Every addict of any substance has a Story.  The reaction I hope to gain from the campaign is to show women that it’s perfectly acceptable to feel sexy. I want express that perfumes hold powerful stories. For example, I wear certain fragrances to certain events. When I go out the club, I’ll wear Armani Code. It makes me feel sexy, and if someone comes in close I want that person to smell it. Fragrances stay on our bodies for a long period of time. So during this time…life-changing events can occur.  This campaign can take it further. Dior can add a blog on their website called Tell you story about when you "GOT CAUGHT UP". Where women can share intimate, funny or otherwise stories of their journeys wearing “addict”. They would have the option of telling their names or staying anonymous.

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